Friday 19 April 2013

Independence Day alien attacker machinima and breakdown.

I recently imported the alien Attack craft from Independence Day into the Spark game engine (used by the game Natural Selection 2 developed by Unknown Worlds Entertainment) and made a small machinima for my own amusement and to show the model in a sci-fi setting.

If anyone are interested in buying the ship model, it is up on Turbosquid available from here.

The map, the spaceship, lighting and animation was made by me, but all other props and textures are made by UWE. The ship design is by 20th Century Fox.

Below are some stills and breakdowns of the map inside the map editor and cinematic editor that comes with the NS2 source development kit.

Top view from the map editor:

Flat lighting mode inside the cinematic editor:

Full lighting mode (sans ambient occlusion) inside the cinematic editor:

Stills from the machinima: